Dračí hrádok

The remains of the castle at the end of a long off-road tongue that extends into the valley of Červený potok about 2km east of the village Borinka

castle ruin / 365 m


How to get there - Dračí hrádok

Nearest castles (direct line):
Pajštún - 3.1 km, Stupava - 6.2 km, Biely Kameň - 6.4 km, Pezinský zámok - 12.3 km, Bratislavský hrad - 12.5 km, Devín - 13.3 km, Čeklís - 14.5 km, Malinovo - 17.9 km, Kuchynský hrad - 19.6 km

Interior and exterior

Ground plan - Dračí hrádok
Ground plan - Dračí hrádok


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of ©hrady-zamky.sk applies to the photos

History - Dračí hrádok

Myths and Legends