Košice castle

Ruins of fortification, based on the narrow top of the rock massif Hradova in the Hornádské foothills of Čierna hora, belonging to the suburban zone of Košice

castle ruin / 450 m


How to get there - Košice castle

Nearest castles (direct line):
Košice Citadela - 5.3 km, Bukovec - 9.5 km, Barca - 9.7 km, Kysak - 11 km, Obišovský hrad - 12.3 km, Kecerovce renesančný kaštieľ - 15.1 km, Kecerovce neskorogotický kaštieľ - 15.1 km

Interior and exterior

Ground plan - Košice castle
Ground plan - Košice castle


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of ©hrady-zamky.sk applies to the photos

History - Košice castle

Myths and Legends