
Extinct castle, built on the site of an older fort, is located northwest of the village of Kysak, above the Hornád river valley

extinct castle / 498 m


How to get there - Kysak

Nearest castles (direct line):
Obišovský hrad - 2.1 km, Košický hrad - 11 km, Kecerovce renesančný kaštieľ - 15.7 km, Kecerovce neskorogotický kaštieľ - 15.7 km, Košice Citadela - 16.3 km, Soľnohrad - 16.4 km, Bukovec - 17 km, Nižná Šebastová - 18.7 km, Šebeš - 19.3 km

Interior and exterior

Ground plan - Kysak
Ground plan - Kysak


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History - Kysak

Myths and Legends