Zolná manor

Originally a Renaissance manor house, built on older foundations, stands on a hill in the central part of the village of Zolná, about 8 km east of Zvolen, of which it is now an administrative part.

manor, manor housemanor, manor house / 338 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Zolná manor

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Hronsek - 7.2 km, Vígľaš - 7.5 km, Zvolenský hrad - 7.8 km, Dolná Mičiná - 7.9 km, Dúbravica - 9.2 km, Vlkanová - 9.5 km, Pustý hrad - 9.9 km, Peťuša - 11.9 km, Gunda - 12.9 km, Dobrá Niva - 14.1 km, Ostrá Lúka - 14.3 km, Banská Bystrica - 16.2 km, Ľubietová - 19 km, Slovenská Ľupča - 19.5 km


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History - Zolná manor

Legends and Tales