Šebeš castle

Ruins of the feudal castle on andesite hill on the outskirts of the northwestern part of Slanský hills above the village Podhradík near Prešov

castle ruincastle ruin / 529 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Šebeš castle

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Soľnohrad - 3.1 km, Nižná Šebastová - 5.9 km, Kapušiansky hrad - 6.5 km, Fintice - 7.7 km, Chmeľov - 9.9 km, Medzianky - 10.3 km, Hanušovce veľký kaštieľ - 10.8 km, Hanušovce malý kaštieľ - 10.9 km, Demjata Semsey - 12 km, Demjata Hámoš - 12.2 km, Šarišský hrad - 14.3 km, Obišovský hrad - 17.2 km, Šarišské Michaľany - 17.9 km, Kysak - 19.3 km, Kecerovce neskorogotický kaštieľ - 19.6 km, Kecerovce renesančný kaštieľ - 19.7 km


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History - Šebeš castle

Legends and Tales