Kapušany castle

The ruins of the castle, situated on the rocky outcrop of the andesite back of the Spišsko-Šariš area between Kapušany

castle ruin / 476 m


How to get there - Kapušany castle

Nearest castles (direct line):
Fintice - 2.6 km, Nižná Šebastová - 4.9 km, Demjata Semsey - 5.7 km, Demjata Hámoš - 5.8 km, Šebeš - 6.5 km, Chmeľov - 9 km, Soľnohrad - 9.1 km, Šarišský hrad - 10.5 km, Medzianky - 12.1 km, Hanušovce veľký kaštieľ - 13.4 km, Hanušovce malý kaštieľ - 13.5 km, Šarišské Michaľany - 13.7 km, Hertník - 18 km

Interior and exterior

Ground plan - Kapušany castle
Ground plan - Kapušany castle


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of ©hrady-zamky.sk applies to the photos

History - Kapušany castle

Myths and Legends