Šariš castle

Castle ruins on a lonely andesite hill with forested slopes in the southern part of the Spiš-Šariš area above the Torysa river valley

castle ruincastle ruin / 560 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Šariš castle

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Šarišské Michaľany - 3.6 km, Fintice - 8 km, Nižná Šebastová - 8.4 km, Kapušiansky hrad - 10.5 km, Demjata Hámoš - 11.5 km, Demjata Semsey - 11.7 km, Pečovská Nová Ves - 12.9 km, Červenica pri Sabinove - 14.2 km, Šebeš - 14.3 km, Soľnohrad - 15.2 km, Lipovce - 17.5 km, Hertník - 17.7 km, Hanigovský hrad - 18.2 km, Chmeľov - 19.5 km


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History - Šariš castle

Legends and Tales