
The ruins of the castle on a wooded hill of the Strážovské hills, on the side ridge of the Nitrické mountains, near the village of Uhrovské Podhradie

castle ruincastle ruin / 591 m


How to Get There How to Get There - Uhrovec

Nearby castles (as the crow flies):
Diviacka Nová Ves - 7.3 km, Horné Ozorovce - 11.5 km, Dlžín - 11.7 km, Chalmová - 11.9 km, Zemianske Kostoľany - 12.4 km, Šimonovany - 13.7 km, Bojnický zámok - 14 km, Čereňany - 14.3 km, Žabokreky nad Nitrou - 16.1 km, Veľké Uherce - 16.1 km, Motešice - 17.4 km, Kamenec - 19 km, Sivý Kameň - 19.7 km


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History - Uhrovec

Legends and Tales